Italy Austerity Package

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Il Ministro dell'Industria, infrastrutture e trasporti Corrado Passera parla durante una conferenza stampa al termine del consiglio dei ministri per presentare la manovra economica e le misure anticrisi, a Roma, 4 dicembre 2011..Italian Industry, Infrastructure and Transport  Minister Corrado Passera speaks during a press conference at the end of a cabinet meeting, to present his package of austerity and economic growth measures, in Rome, 4 december 2011..UPDATE IMAGES PRESS/Riccardo De Luca
Il Ministro dell'Industria, infrastrutture e trasporti Corrado Passera parla durante una conferenza stampa al termine del consiglio dei ministri per presentare la manovra economica e le misure anticrisi, a Roma, 4 dicembre 2011..Italian Industry, Infrastructure and Transport Minister Corrado Passera speaks during a press conference at the end of a cabinet meeting, to present his package of austerity and economic growth measures, in Rome, 4 december 2011..UPDATE IMAGES PRESS/Riccardo De Luca

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