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Studenti e precari della scuola manifestano contro la riforma del ministro dell'Istruzione davanti al Ministero a Roma, 8 ottobre 2010..Students and unstable teachers demonstrate against the Education Minister's school reform in front of the Ministry headquarters in Rome, 8 october 2010..UPDATE IMAGES PRESS/Riccardo De Luca
Studenti e precari della scuola manifestano contro la riforma del ministro dell'Istruzione davanti al Ministero a Roma, 8 ottobre 2010..Students and unstable teachers demonstrate against the Education Minister's school reform in front of the Ministry headquarters in Rome, 8 october 2010..UPDATE IMAGES PRESS/Riccardo De Luca

Filename: school protest20101008_15.JPG
Size: 2151x3102 / 1.3MB>